We are fighting on behalf of Texans whose access to emergency coverage is being threatened. This is a matter of public health and safety—and we won’t back down.
When you or a loved one is facing a medical emergency, there is no denying the pain, fear and urgency for help. Unless, of course, you’re an insurance company. Then, emergency room coverage denials are a part of your daily work.
It’s time to hold insurance companies accountable for their rampant and disgraceful practice of denying emergency services to patients when they are at their most vulnerable. Especially for Texans, denied emergency coverage is a standard practice by insurance plans who simply want to hold on to the premiums you paid, while not meeting their end of their contractual and legal obligation to cover your emergency.
There should be no such thing as a “network” in an emergency scenario. Patients need to find care at the closest, most equipped medical facility to meet their emergency needs.
Insurance companies want people to be afraid of receiving “out-of-network” surprise bills so that they will think twice about seeking care. In an emergency, that hesitation could cost you your life.
Write your legislator now to fight against the big insurance lobby and hold them accountable for their unethical #DailyDenials